'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge'

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THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - Het vervolg van de Val van de Cabal - The Sequel to the fall of the cabal 3

Article Index


Part 13:  Final exposure of Bill Gates. His last evil schemes in the lime-lights..Bill Gates uses laws and regulations to avoid tax. His foundation launders money at a scale the world has not seen before. How is it possible that he presents himself as the world’s greatest philanthropist, giving away billions of dollars each year, yet ending up getting richer and richer and richer? Did you know that in the end, it’s We-The-Taxpayers, that pay for all his projects? Do you realise that in fact we pay for our own depopulation?


Part 14: The Era of Depopulation… The true story behind HIV/AIDS and the Spanish Flu. The New World Order’s main focus is complete world dominance. Population control, better known as Depopulation, is the UN’s tool to annihilate the majority of the masses, so that no more than 500 million people are left on the face of the earth. A neat number, easy to control, dominate and subjugate. How are we, the people, being attacked in the name of population control? By means of 10 different Extinction Tools. Let’s take a look at the first 4: wars, (natural?) disasters, famine & drought, and plagues & diseases…



 Part 15: The Era of Depopulation… About our poisoned food, water, and care products, about GMOs and Family Planning. The true story behind sex education and the LGBTQ movement. By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Let’s explore some more Extinction Tools! Number 5 on our list: Additives in food, water, beauty, care & cleaning products. You’ll be shocked to see that by design, purposefully, our food and water have been poisoned with substances that cause cancer, infertility, and that destroy our nervous system. Think aspartame, fluoride, xeno-oestrogens, heavy metals, magnetic particles… Number 6 on our list: GMOs, notorious for causing cancer and destroying 



Part 16: The Era of Depopulation… The Truth behind Chemtrails and Electrosmog. By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Extinction tool number 8 on our list: Chemtrails. After years of denial and ridicule, finally admitted to exist by our governments. Heavy metals are raining down on us, our bodies store them in our brains where they cause havoc. Number 9 on our list: Electrosmog. Every day we are bombarded with the invisible electromagnetic radiation from the use of wireless technology and mains electricity. Plus the ever increasing 5G… do you dare to find out what


Part 17: The Era of Depopulation… The Truth behind vaccines.   By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Last but not least: Extinction tool number 10 on our list: Vaccinations. One of our most chilling episodes about the dangers of vaccinations. Not based on theories or beliefs, but on rock hard scientific facts. We promise you, once you’ve seen this episode, once you know what ingredients are in those shots, you’ll never take another jab in your life! This part 17 has been called by thousands of viewers world-wide “a life saviour”…


Part 18: Covid-19: The Greatest Lie Ever Told


Part 19: Covid 19 The Midazolam Murders



Part 20:  Covid-19: Part 3 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times. About Face Masks, Social Distancing, and much more...


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