Arise and Shine for Thy Light is come
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- Category: News
- Published: Sunday, 29 May 2022 18:11
- Hits: 4941
"An Alchemical Mystery Play for the Golden Age"
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
The Party for Love Governance ( "Partij voor de Liefde" in Dutch) is a project of the ARK Foundation in the city of Zutphen in the Netherlands created by Roeland Solcer who started this inspired online "Mystery Play for the Golden Age" of Saint Germain in the year 2006.
Saint Germain Chohan of the 7th Ray of Freedom, Transmutation and Forgiveness, Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius
Saint Germain's past lives according to esoteric teachings included the Prophet Samuel, Plato, Saint Joseph, Merlin, Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus, and Francis Bacon.
Saint Germain began his life as Francis Bacon, born on January 22, 1561. His mother Queen Elizabeth I , refused to recognize her marriage to maintain her virgin queen status. As a result, Francis was unable to assume his role as the King of England.
When King James ascended to the throne Francis was given the role of editing the final version of the King James Bible and was King Jame's Lord Chancellor. It was during this time that he wrote the Shakespearean sonnets under the pen name of William Shakespeare. He encouraged King James to sign the Virginia Charter which began colonization to the New World. King James also gave him the task of reforming modern day freemasonry which remained a beacon of light and hope to the world until it was infiltrated by the Luciferian's in the 1790's.
In 1626 , a year after the death of King James, Francis had faked his own death and traveled to Transylvania where he remained until 1684. At the age of 65, he learned the secrets of immortality and conquered death to become the ascended master Saint Germain. He then worked secretly to influence the creation of a new age in which humanity would not have to labor in slavery. He set up the World Trust to bankroll a new golden age which is now rumored to be worth $1 quatrodecillion. That's a 1 with 45 zeros.
He backed Napoleon to create a United States of Europe but Napoleon used his power for his own demise. Saint Germain inspired the Founding Fathers of the United States to sign the Declaration of Independence. He gave away his inventions of the railroad so mankind could travel more readily, and taught cheaper ways to manufacture clothes so the poor could wear clothes almost as good as the rich.
More on Saint Germain and His Violet Flame can be found at the website of the Raphael Academy, another project of the Ark Foundation:
Dictation of Saint Germain
by the Messenger Mark Prophet, Founder of The Summit Lighthouse
More on Saint Germain & The coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness:
The Event
While the dark forces of antichrist, the Power Elite or cabal, planned the final phase of their sinister take over of the world after WW2 as demonstrated by the murder of JFK in 1963, or by the 9/11 event in 2001, the Great White Brotherhood sent many souls to earth, who volunteered to assist in ushering in the Golden Age and bear witness of the Light of Christ.
These Spiritual Warriors worked tirelessly under the wings of the Holy Spirit in the past decades, to radiate the "Christl Light" into the world, waking up more and more people for the coming revolution in higher conscioussness.
This planetary proces involving the Earth and 4 elemental Kingdoms, will culminate into a shift or hightening of the collective consciousness that will enable mankind to experience the second coming of Christ in the etheric world and the "Event" also known as "The Rapture".
"Here are seven things to know about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ " Source:
1. Jesus' Warnings and Promises of the Second Coming
Jesus Christ unveils His warnings, reprimands, and promises believers who overcome—in those first century churches as well as today— Revelation 1-3.
Overcomers will eat of the tree of life in the Paradise of God.
Overcomers will not be hurt by the second death.
Overcomers will receive some hidden manna, a white stone with a new name.
Overcomers will have authority over the nations as Jesus rules with rod of iron and they will receive the morning star.
Overcomers will be clothed in white garments and their names will not be removed from the book of life and Jesus will confess their names before the Father and His angels.
Overcomers will become pillars in the temple of The Lord God and will have God’s name and the name of God’s city, and Jesus new name on them.
Overcomers will sit down with Jesus on His throne.
The angel instructed John to write the things which he saw, the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things.
“Blessed is he who reads, and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in in; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3, NAS).
2. What Comes First? - Apostasis
From Revelation 4 through 22, Jesus shows John, just like He said He would in John 13:19, what takes place after these things. Overcomers, believers, the church, are commanded to carry the gospel message until God says to His Son, “Go get my children.”
“Let no one in any way deceive you by any means, for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3, NKJV).
Two events leap onto our radar screen—the falling away and the man of sin. Newer translations refer to this falling away as the Greek word “Apostasia,” defection from truth, revolt, apostasy. The next word describes the son of perdition . . . the Greek word “Apoleia,” ruin, loss, destruction, damnable. For centuries believers have hauled out their magnifying glass trying to predict who this man of lawlessness might be. But God’s Word says there will be no question of his identity when he appears. Those who search the Scriptures will know him by his actions."
"Arise & Shine" A message from the Lord
Dr. Patricia Green
The next 4 videos are from Michelle Fielding contain messages of the Ascended Masters, who sponsor many people around the world such as messengers and co-workers, that follow their inner calling to play their part in this era.
The next step is the implementation of NESARA / GESARA , the National or Global Economic Security and Reformation Act which will stimulate a new golden age economy. forever.
Last but not least may i again introduce my readers to Saint Germain & the Teachings of the Ascended Masters that inspired me to start this project:
Our own school the Raphael Academy
Praise the Lord I AM that I AM
To be continued... here:
and here: 2023 a Year of Vindication Remorse and Restoration
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