"Suddenly drop Dead" & other Side Effects of Covid Vaccines
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- Category: News
- Published: Tuesday, 13 September 2022 13:35
- Hits: 4928
Update 11 22 2022 Added to this topic new video documentary World premiere: "Died Suddenly¨ by Stew Peters
Side effects usually manifest years after a vaccination, but with this covid vaccine, millions of people have already been permanently disabled by this injection. Data from the CDC shows that in the U.S. alone thousands die every month. A whistleblower from the CDC signed a sworn affidavit that the true number of adverse events is at least five times higher then what is being reported.
This means that tens of thousands die monthly from the vaccines, in the U.S. alone! Worldwide, that number is many times higher, and in the coming years this will explode, as it takes years for most adverse events to manifest. That’s why 56% of all U.S. physicians refuse the shot. The U.K. government has hired a company to process the extremely high number of vaccine adverse event
We already published much about the "so called" (side ?) effects of the "covid (booster) jabs" on this website, that vary from menstruation problems and abortion in pregnant women, to infertility in men, tia's enormous "morgellons like "blood clots and countless other health problems that arise after vaccination like:
Myocarditis - up 2800 %, an acquired cardiomyopathy due to inflammation of the heart muscle.Symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest pain, decreased ability to exercise, and an irregular heartbeat. The duration of problems can vary from hours to months.
Cancers - up 300% to 900%
Infertility ( both genders ) -up 500%
Miscarriages - up 300%
Neurological disorderss - up 1000% Alzheimer, Parkinson, Bell's Palsy. Muliple Sclerosis
Auto immune diseases, allergies etc
Demyelinating disorders - up 1000%. Demyelinating disorders are any conditions that damage myelin. When this happens, scar tissue forms in its place. Brain signals can’t move across scar tissue as quickly, so your nerves don’t work as well as they should.Symptoms: The most common symptoms of demyelinating disorders are:
- Vision loss
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle stiffness
- Muscle spasms
- Changes in how well your bladder and bowels work
- Sensory changes
There have been many whistleblowers and
Video: The late Dr Vladimir Zelenko ( R.I.P.) took a big risk by telling it all.
What do the results, after about three months of Corona vaccinations actually look like? This documentary shows what has happened in German nursing homes after Corona vaccinations. Official figures from the Paul Ehrlich Institute and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are highly alarming. Since the mass media are keeping quiet about these figures or playing them down, this "Urgent Wake-up Call" is an appeal to all people to bring the shocking facts of this documentary into public awareness!
continue and see video here: https://www.kla.tv/18608
We also have reported extensively on the Corona / 5G connection!
See: https://partijvoordeliefde.nl/videonews/407-5g-apocalypse
Now research has evolved and in the shocking videos below you learn how Gene Editing, nano particles, 5G, corona, vaccinations (and chemtrails that also contain nano particles, graphene, aluminium and other heavy metals) work together to slowly kill a great part of the world population as planned by the NWO cabal. (remember the Georgia guidestones, now destroyed)
Karen Kingston - Luciferase, Gene Editing, IARPA, AI & 5G Linked with COVID-19 Vaccines
MASS MURDER by government, witnessed by funeral director John O’Looney. Funeral director John O’Looney witnessed mass murder by British government.Thousands of people were killed in care homes, and then labeled as covid deaths. That was the start of the ‘pandemic’ in the U.K.His testimony is by far the most revealing and most shocking of all. Absolute must see for al of humanity.
Died Suddenly
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.
Want to know more? Visit https://diedsuddenly.info/
The Serpent’s Venom An update by Dr Alim “Covid19” 2022
More on the vaccins on this website:
List of side effects (Dutch)